Grade 3: Sunflowers in Pastel
This lesson drew from three sources: Vincent Van Gogh’s famous painting, the ideas of symmetry and asymmetry, and close observation – drawing from a still life. Seems like a lot for grade 3? Not when they are motivated. This is the group who always say when I walk into the classroom “Mrs. Godwin!! Do we have ART today?” (Sometimes attended by a few hugs or excited snatches of personal ‘updates’ since I saw them last.)
I started with showing them a print of Van Gogh’s Sunflowers. Some of the students recognized the image – one even from a print (or was it a mug?) they have at home.
- Jayda
- Mohammed
- Malikai
- Darius
- Alyssa
- Evyn
- Shawn
- Rayan
- Somaa
- Brittney
- Barry
- Braxton
- Braxton H.
- Owen
- Brandon
- Keegan
- Mickena
Winter 2014 / Ferndale Elementary School
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