Art Challenge #10: Draw Your Favourite Pet
This one really did take hold. They were hugely into it – I kept getting stopped in the halls by excited artist pet owners, wanting to tell me what they were drawing and how they doing it! Lots of entries … I needed MNG (Monday Night Group) to help me decide on the winners … thanks, guys.
Winner (Primary): Benjamin
I am still amazed that a boy in grade 2 would draw all those spikes so carefully (note changes in size and the overlapping going on here). Nice job filling in the WHOLE picture, too. That is one cute hedgehog.
Winner: Flo
I like how she has made ‘Socks’ jump out of the picture, but kept the drawings together with the tape. Did it get ripped by accident and this is her response? Was it intentional to do it this way? Me like it.
Winner (Junior): Emilie
Thoughtful presentation, and nicely rendered cartoon-like drawing. Looks like a nicer bunny than the one my sister had as a kid.
Other Work Submitted:
- Ava
- Rachel
- Emily
- Beth
- Owen
- Ella
- Reuben
Honourable Mention: Eric
He didn’t get a mention at the time, but it has always bothered me that he didn’t, because I still just really like this one. In fact, I wish I HAD this one to hang in my office. Something about that great big orange fish surfacing near the top of the page. I love the bold orange and blue – good job colouring every little bit, Eric. Now that I have posted this, he is going to get a prize after the fact. Woot!
Art Challenge #9: B&W Cut Paper Design
Okay. I admit. (I had fun making the posters for this one.) Can you tell? I think I made more posters than I got entries. Who knew? Sometimes the kids are just busy. Or the idea just didn’t catch their attention. I still like what I did. And Layla’s is pretty cool.
- Layla: the winner!
- Emilie. Nice, but NOT cut paper.
- Ava (Grade 2)
Art Challenge #8: Design/Construct/Paint a Postcard
I provided the postcards (blank on one side) – they were to draw an image, and address and write them. They were to go to someone, somewhere else, NOT to themselves. All entries completed I promised I would mail. (and I did) So the Art goes out from here. Now, that’s EASY.
Winner: Samuel
Other Work Submitted:
- Aila
- Emily
Art Challenge #7: We Heart Art
This was an Art Challenge that really captured the imagination of quite a few students at Parliament Oak! Entries were enthusiastically and quickly delivered to the Art Room, sometimes accompanied by the question, wherever they would see me, “Mrs. Godwin, did you get MY Art Challenge?”
It was SO hard to decide on a winner, and even when we opened it up to more prizes (so many entries!), it still took some time for my husband and my sister to help me choose. Unlike most of the Challenges, these artworks did not go back to their creators, but continue to adorn and inspire in the Art Room. Here are the results:
- Rachel
- Emilie
- Clara, Katherine, and Genny
- Annika
- Alex and Zack
- Ava
- Sydney
- Ella
- Annika
- Florence
- Aila
- Beth
- Nick and Hunter
- Isabel
As with all of the posts, if you click on the picture, it will go full size AND you will see more details/comments.
Art Challenge # 6: A Repeating Design Using Geometric Shapes
- Machara
- Sydney
- Izabel
Art Challenge #5: Design a Playground
My husband is an architect. So I got to thinking. What would kids like to design? What might they have some ideas about?
- Paige
- Benjamin
Art Challenge #4: Winter/Christmas Twinchies
Thanks to Gail at “There’s a Dragon in My Art Room” for this idea. I cut a bunch of pieces of cardstock into 2″x 2″ squares – not “Inchies” but 1 inch times two. I got some nice results, but didn’t photograph before returning them. Oops.
Art Challenge #3: Build a Sculpture Using at Least 5 Toilet Paper Tubes
Let me tell you; the Art Room was CHAOS during the 4 Art Clubs over those 2 weeks … paint and glue, glue and paint, cardboard tubes of all sizes, and masking tape were – flyin’. Masking tape! (Get me back to the hardware store for more.) Suffice to say there was a lot of energy and enthusiasm for this one.
2nd Prize:
3rd Prize:
I wish I had photographed the rest of them. Some of them got pretty goofy (and questionable in construction ability) …
Art Challenge #2: Draw a Character From “No Such Thing”
The Blue-snouted Twumps. The Juggarums. The Pie-faced Pazeeks. Or how about the Pi-headed Magawk?
Do you know about the author/illustrator Bill Peet? My teacher-librarian Mom introduced me to his work. Well worth checking out. He certainly has a knack for putting words together! One of his books features descriptives of different creatures along with his fun drawings … so I made the individual descriptions available, but no pics. Each student could pick one bit of text (I had copies on the Art Room door for them) and draw only from that description and their own imagination. I didn’t photograph them all, unfortunately, but take a look at what we’ve got. I think this could be a good class project sometime.
Winner: Julia
Art Challenge #1: Draw Some Form of Transportation That You Could Use to Go to School
This was the first challenge ever, and students really didn’t get a feel for engaging in the competition yet (= didn’t realize the prize potential). Sooo, my son was the only one who entered. Way to stick your neck out there, Sam – and congrats on your prize!
Winner: Samuel
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